Thursday, May 15, 2014

Brush Fires, Oh! my

Yesterday, was to say the least, an interesting day here in S. CA. Carlsbad and San Marcos in particular.

When we moved to this area  of the country, I was expecting only to be concerned about earthquakes. Well, I found out yesterday FIRES are another thing I need to expect.

Both photos were taken from my front porch here in San Marcos. The bottom one is towards the West facing Carlsbad and was taken about 11 am yesterday morning. There devastation, in quite a few areas, is sad to see. The top one was around 6 or 7 pm facing East here in San Marcos were we live. It is behind the campus of Cal State San Marcos. White smoke can still be seen this morning. Although, I'm not sure if they have it totally contained, but prayerfully so.

Thankfully, we did not need to be evacuated. The wind shifted so the fire ran across the ridge of the hill instead of coming down and over the valley.The fire and emergency personal have worked tirelessly and need to be applauded for their efforts to keep homes and the citizens of San Marcos and Carlsbad safe. There were some homes lost, but far fewer then there could have been. To say the least, it was an interesting and sometimes stressful day. Today the wind has lessened, but we might get into the 3 digit numbers temperature wise. That, with very little humidity, is usually not a good scenario. Hopefully, we will not see another day like yesterday.

On a cheery note, I received my second box from SU with more goodies. Sad note, none of it has been put to creative use. I'm still recuperating from surgery and my energy and creative level is still not cooperating! I have these beautiful NEW products scattered on my desk calling my name, but it's like I'm not "hearing" them.  Oh well, I can only do what I can do. 

I trust in a few more days I will get my MOJO back, but until then you will have to put up with not so interesting updated posts. 

Have a wonderful Thursday and stay CRAFTY my friends!

1000 Piece Puzzle

  It is a beautiful puzzle,but we probably will NOT do one again. The 500 pc. ones are much more relaxing. Heres hoping you all have a great...